Bodleian Library, MS. Heb. c. 13.14
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MS. Heb. c. 13.14
Bodleian Library (Oxford, United Kingdom)
Letter from Shelomo Ha-Kohen b. Yosef, Dalton, to Hillel Ha-Ḥaver b. Yeshua Ha-Hazzan, mentioning book-making, copying prices and copying of quires.
- Book materials
- Letter
- Price of copying
- Distribution of quires
Document Definition
Vertical rectangle
Content Description
8. [...] והביא השליח שני כתבים כתב ה[...]
9. בהם קוט[רי]סין יש בהם ז׳ קוטריסין יהי שכר כתי[בתם]
10. כ[מו שהית]נה ביני ובינך ג קוטרסין (!) בשני קירטין
11. ו[ארבעה קוט]רסין בד קירטין ושלישי קיראט חוץ מדמי
12. [...] אצלך רביע זהוב שלחתי אותו אל קדש ואתם
13. [שא]מרתה בשביל הנייר ושהיה בפני ר׳ יצחק [...]
14. [...] אני [...] ביני ובינך לא ר׳ יצחק ולא זולתו אלא
15. [...] יש מיניין אותיות שבשני הכתבים האלו
16. [...] לי אצלך מן הרביע קירא[ט] להשליש הזהוב
17. [ניי?]רות ואם [...]
8. [...] and the messenger brought two writings the [...]
9. In them are quires, there are seven quires
10. as it was agreed between you and me, there are three quires at two qiratin
11. and four quires one qirāt a third qirāt another (price/blood)
12. [...] you a golden quarter, I sent it to Kadesh and you
13. which you said is for the paper that is for R. Yitzchak [...]
14. [...] I [...] between me and you, neither R. Yitzchak nor anyone else, but/however
15. [...] there is a variety of letters in these two scripts
16. [...] I have form you a quarter qirāt of the golden third
17. [Paperwork] and if[...]
11th Century CE
Physical Description
150 mm
145 mm
All original edges are missing.
Fragment of a leaf/sheet
Faded but legible
No pricking
No ruling
- Text on recto and verso
- Text on the verso upside down in respect of the recto
Additional symbols
No vowels or accents
Dots above letters
Single dot
- Assaf, Simcha, 1938, "Le-toldot ha-Yishuv ha-Yehudi be-Ereṣ Yisrael", in: Sefer Magnes. Qoveṣ meḥqarim me-eṭ anshe ha-Universiṭah ha-ʻIvrit, Jerusalem: Hebrew University, pp. 194-212, p. 199.
- Gil, Moshe, 1983, Palestine During the First Muslim Period (634-1099) (in Hebrew), vol. 2, Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv University, #250, pp. 454-455.
- Link to the shelfmark entry in the Princeton Genizah Project database: Bodl. MS heb. c 13/14