CUL, T-S 10J5.15
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T-S 10J5.15
CUL (Cambridge, United Kingdom)
Contract of employment of Shmuel b. Yaʿaqov for a copy of sections of the Torah.
- Copy production
- Copyist
- Contract of employment of a copyist
Document Definition
Vertical rectangle
Content Description
Contract of employment
- בשם יי
- יקול שמואל בן יעקוב אני ואקפת סלאמה בן סעיד בן צגיר עלי
- נסך אלתמניה אספאר אלנבי ואלכתיב בכטהא ונקטהא ומאסרתהא
- וכתב שרוט פי אול כל גזו ופי אכרה ותגלידהא ועמל זנפילגה
- להא ויכון דלך עלי אלנמודג אלדי ענד אבו אסחק אברהים [בן]
- חגיג והי אלתורה אלדי נסכתהא לה לא זאיד ענהא ולא נאקץ
- [כ]מא תקדם בה אלשרט ואלאגרה פי דלך עלי גמיע מא תקד[ם]
- בה אלוצף כה דינארא גיאדא ואזנה
- קבצת מן דלך דינארין ודלך עלי יד סיידי אבו נצר סלאמה
- בן סעיד בן צגיר איידה אללה והו אלמתולי לנסך הדה אלאגרא
- לאבי אסחק אברהים בן חגיג איידה אללה
- ודלך ללנצף מן שעבאן סנה אתני עשר וארבע מאיה
- In the name of the LORD
- Samuel b. Jacob says: “Behold, I hereby make an agreement with Salāma ibn Saʿīd ibn Ṣaḡīr concerning
- a copy of the eight books of the Prophets and the Writings, with its script, its vowel points and its masora,
- and the signs at the beginning and end of each section, and its binding and the manufacture of the case
- for it. And it should be according to the exemplar that is in Abū Isḥāq Ibrāhīm ibn
- Ḥujayj’s possession – that is the Torah that I copied for him – nothing more and nothing less,
- according to what is stipulated in this agreement. And the fee for this for all that is stipulated
- in this specification is 25 dinars of full weight.
- I have received from this two dinars, which came from the hand of my lord Abū Naṣr Salāma
- ibn Saʿīd ibn Ṣaḡīr – God give him strength – who is directing the copying. This fee is
- for Isḥāq Ibrāhīm ibn Ḥujayj – God give him strength.
- And this is Mid-Šaʿbān, the year 412.
Source of the translation:
Outhwaite, Ben, 2018, Beyond the Leningrad Codex: Samuel b. Jacob in the Cairo Genizah. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Studies in Semitic Linguistics and Manuscripts : A Liber Discipulorum in Honour of Professor Geoffrey Khan., pp. 11-12.
A fragment (one folio) of a register of the Palestinian congregation of Fustat, probably copied
Mid-Shaʿbān 412 Hijra
November 1021
11th Century CE
Physical Description
197 mm
233 mm
Fragment of a leaf/sheet
Brown (iron-gall)
No pricking
No ruling
Text on one side only
- Left-hand margin is not even
- Extended letters
Hand #1 of Item "T-S 10J5.15"
- Type: Main text scribe
- Scribe Identifications: Scribe named in the document
- Name Assigned to Scribe: Samuel b. Jacob
- Date Assigned to Scribe: early 11th century
- Name in the Document: שמואל בן יעקוב
- Types of Naming in the Document: Full name
No vowels or accents
Two yods
- Bareket, E., Jewish Leadership in Fustat (Hebrew), Tel Aviv, Diaspora Research Institute, 1995, p. 204–205.
- Ofer, Y., עיבוד מסרני של ערכים ממחברת מנחם בידי שמואל בן יעקב, Leshonenu 62 (1999), 189–255.
- Outhwaite, B. (2016). Samuel ben Jacob: the Leningrad Codex B19a and T-S 10J5.15. [Genizah Research Unit, Fragment of the Month, January 2016].
- Link to the shelfmark entry in the Princeton Genizah Project database: T-S 10J5.15